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Maaximum Game

The compliance test-Why it’s critical in having the upper hand in social interactions!

By March 13, 2024 April 21st, 2024 No Comments

The compliance test. A “MUST” in your communication to the outside world if you are to

1. Filter out time wasters, tire kickers from those, legit interested in you, and your offering

2. Truly make people feel a “real” magnetic pull to you.

Ever had someone in a social or business context “tell” you that they were interested in you, or your offering, only to go into Ghost mode or go MIA on you, leaving you scratching your head, making you ask yourself “How can this be?”. It’s because they really weren’t interested from the get-go or maybe were for a min, then lost interest, as they didn’t see “deep value” in you, or your offering and just didn’t want to offend you by telling you that, or want to deal with you trying to convince them, otherwise. Yes we live in a BS woke, PC world for the most part whereby offending someone is worse than just being honest. So people have been conditioned to be “Fake” and polite, and not “real”.

So what do you do? How do you extract the “truth” from someone? Give them what I call a compliance test. It’s a statement or a question you throw out and then let your lead “marinate” in it, on their own terms, without any interruption, or coercion from you. This is what will allow you to really capture how they feel.

Like for instance, I’ll ask “What are 2 reasons you feel that I’m a better fit for you, than your current social skills or sales consultant? One is not enough for me to feel comfortable having you move over to me”.

Or let’s say I meet a woman who says she likes to do certain things. Rather than trying to acquiesce to her, by showing commonality when there is none, just to get her to like me, I’ll say “Oh cool. However, I’m not really into that. I prefer to do X, Y”

Here’s the key, after you throw out your compliance test question or statement. You SHUT UP. The first one who breaks the silence loses the Frame battle. Recall my post on Frames.

When that person does…like “Here are the 2 reasons Omar….”, from the 1st example or “Oh I’m cool with that too. I’m not only into these things. In fact, I’d like to learn that” from the 2nd one.

It means 2 things
They are legit interested
If they weren’t, they are now

Why? Because you made them work for you, which no one else really does
and you let them think about things, on their own, to express how they really felt, instead of forcing them into a corner to think or act a certain way.

This is possible, when you throw out these compliance tests.

It’s a real game changer that I developed for me and anyone whose incorporated them in their communication efforts, when they are trying to attract someone.

Want to take your GAME to the maax

DM me and let’s hop on a quick ZOOM free strategy call.
I also offer 2 month Game Maaximizer training program where I will teach you, or your business how to turn anyone into a client, fan, follower or more from a “cold approach”.

Maaximum Game