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Hi, my name is Omar. I’m a Toronto-based, “Advanced”, Day Game and Social Intelligence expert and vlogger. I do offer “live” training sessions if you are in Toronto or “virtual” training, where I break down my own “in-field” videos, play-by-play, for a certain price. In addition, I teach men how to develop a warrior-level, inner game, and sly verbal game so that they can command any social situation. I’m a high net worth, B2B sales consultant for a major bank during the day, and do this on the side, as it’s my real passion. To get started, check out some of my recent blog posts.

I Teach Men

Advanced Day Game
Through both “in field” demos and concepts so that they can develop the confidence and competence, to meet, attract and turn a meeting with a woman into something tangible like a date or relationship.

Social Wit and Intelligence
So that they can stand out amongst other men, both with respect to their non verbal game and verbal prowess.

Inner Game and Frame Dominance
So that they have a stronger concept of themselves and of their reality, when facing or interacting with someone, so that they can lead the interaction on their terms and win the other person over.

I walk my talk unlike most with in field demonstrations.

Here’s an infield video I recorded from 2022. There are a lot of “moving parts” to turning a random interaction into something tangible, with someone from the opposite sex. If you know what they are and how to put them together, in the “right way”, then you can “cold” approach, attract and compel any woman who is in the “market” and “open” to meeting someone, to want to get to know you, on the spot! You can also command respect, trigger the instinct of “raw” attraction and the deep emotion of a connection within others to you, and your message and compel them to want to build a relationship with you in any situation

For more videos check out my Youtube channel here.



“Omar is the best cold attraction coach I’ve worked with”
-Vish, Senior tech leader, Financial Software firm on Wall St, NYC

“Omar has greatly improved my understanding of how to attract someone into a relationship in love or business from a cold approach”
-Ali, Real Estate Professional, Milwaukee, WI


Who I am and how I can help you maaximize your game and improve your life!

Hi, my name is Omar. I’m a Toronto-based, advanced Day Game, Social Wit and Intelligence, and Million dollar level, B2B sales expert. When I’m not consulting a major client of mine in the wealth management space on how to close million-dollar contracts, I teach men a 3 tier system, I developed called “The Maaximum Method” through my vlog, webinars, in-field videos, and training programs. It’s a “NO BS”,  real-world proven system that breaks down the “Play by Play” of exactly what you must to think, what you must say, how to say it, and what to do, at each “touch point” of your interaction with a woman, you are trying to attract, from a “cold approach”, to realize something tangible out of it, like a date or relationship.

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Want to know the “NO BS” truth about why you can’t get others to pay attention to you leave alone feel the raw, instinct of attraction and the deep emotion of a connection to you or your ideas(s) and what you can do about it, right now?

Then you need to download my mini Ebook-“20 kiler tips to stand out of the crowd and attract and lead others on cue” now!

This is a mini ebook I released back in 2022 but it’s still very timely even in 2024.

It will help you, not only become better with women but will help you to become far more magnetizing to anyone, in any social situation. Just click on the “download” button and enter your info into the form, to get a free copy of it.

Download now!

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