If you want to take your GAME to the next level, then you can sign up for my 2-month Maaximum Game Platinum program. During this time, here’s what you can expect. 

  • A complete, “play by play” breakdown of exactly what I think, what I say, how I say it, when I say it, and what I do, during the interaction with a woman from when I first “cold approach her”, to when she’s decided that she “needs” to know me, so that I realize something tangible out of it, like her number or a date. This also applies to how to attract, lead anyone, in a social situation. You will learn advanced social intelligence., social wit, and Frame dominance so that you own any social situation you enter. 
  • 1 video/week sent to you via email to help you with your inner, non verbal, and verbal game to really reinforce the concepts I outlined in this mini course.
  • 4 ZOOM, 30-min strategy calls with me per month or 1X/week, where you circle back with me and keep me updated on your progress. If you’re still experiencing bottlenecks or issues with your GAME, then I’ll help you overcome them on the call. 
  • Access to me on WhatsApp in case you have an emergency and can reach out to me for 10 minutes, Mon to Fri at these times. 9-10 am, 10-10:30 am, 1:30-2:00 pm.However, to make sure you are a good fit for my program, let’s hop on a quick 30 min strategy session on ZOOM firstPlease use this link to book a slot to talk to me.Omar