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Frame control-Do you own the frame or does someone else?

By March 13, 2024 April 21st, 2024 No Comments

Frame control—Do you own the Frame or do you let others own the Frame? What is a Frame, you might be asking? It’s your concept of the world, of others compared to you, and of yourself.

Let me give you an example.

Imagine you are speaking to someone that you are trying to attract in a social or business sense and they see themselves as attractive, influential, revered, respected, mentally and physically tough, business savvy and you don’t see yourself in the same light.

What happens?

Well, when your weaker FRAME meets their much stronger one, you will be SUCKED Into theirs and will think, emotionally react and produce biomechanical movements like body/facial movements, and also words that will validate that they are better than you or that you are of lower value than them.

Consequently, you will NOT be able to engage them for a minute, let alone attract them to you, or your ideas(s).

So what do you need to do when you meet someone with a strong FRAME, is to have a stronger one.

Now, having a strong one does come with experience, and a track record of success that validates a strong or powerful concept of yourself but in the meantime, imagine you are already that person and see yourself as on par with others, if not better in some respect. I’m no talking about as a person but in terms of expertise, skills or character under certain circumstances.

Then when the other person’s strong FRAME encounters, your strong or stronger FRAME they will “Feel” compelled to listen to you, follow your lead and will automatically feel a raw level of attraction to you, and your ideas(s).

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