Frequently Asked Questions


I lack confidence. Can you help me cultivate it? Yes, a big part of my training is to first help you develop a strong frame of mind, self-esteem, and self-confidence, before moving forward.

How well does this work? A lot of people want a magic bullet without even investing a moment of their time. These kinds of people rarely get what they want in life. But if YOU are the kind of person who will take the time to learn and practice what you have learned, then I promise that you WILL get the results you want. Remember, mastery requires practice.

Will you show me how to attract clients to my new venture? Yes, my teachings can be applied to whether you want to attract romantic partners or potential clients from a cold approach.

If I decide to use your training for meeting and attracting women, then does it work on Black girls or Asian girls? Yes. As stated before, all women share 99.9% of the same genes with each other and respond sexually, in roughly the manner to certain traits and behaviors. This is parallel to the universal effect a beautiful woman with big breasts has on the majority of the men in the world. Now there are some minor differences culturally between Black or Asian vs White women, just as there is a difference between women who are from large cities vs small towns, however, my strategies and concepts are designed and 100% field-tested to work on women of any race, in spite of these minor cultural differences.

I’m African American. Will your training work for me too? Yes. One of the most charismatic and successful guys I know is black. He’s also very good with the ladies.  See the “race card” is rarely played when people decide on who they are attracted to. What governs their attraction for you is how you make them feel. We will show you the specific intangible traits to cultivate and a tangible strategy so that you stand out and get what you want and who you want to be attracted to you.

Do I get any type of guarantee? Yes, you get a 30 day (1 month) guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase for ANY reason we will refund your money quickly and promptly. Please note, NO refunds will be provided if you fail to show up for a training session(in field, or virtual) for any reason whatsoever.

What is your privacy policy? Your identity and email address are kept private. You will remain completely anonymous when you order. Your email address will never be sold, rented, or traded. If you subscribe to the free newsletter you will always be able to easily and quickly unsubscribe.

I don’t have a credit card- how can I order? You don’t need a credit card or PayPal account to place an order. You can send your payment in the form of a check or money order. If you intend to do this, then please first send us an e-mail to and we will send you the proper instructions to carry out this method of payment.

If I order by credit card, how do I know that it is safe? We understand some people have reservations about ordering online with a credit card. However, we can assure you that your credit card information is absolutely safe and protected. We use 128-bit SSL encryption using AIM (Advanced Integration Method) technology to scramble your credit card information. After your order is processed, your credit card information is not stored.