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Maaximum Game

Ask yourself, can you turn someone into a deal or a date, from a cold approach?

By March 13, 2024 April 21st, 2024 No Comments

Ask yourself this question honestly? You might not like the answer but it will give you the truth about what your inner game and outer game really is. Can you “cold” approach a stranger in random casual passing(say on the streets or in a social venue), make them stop dead in their tracks, by your cool calculated demeanor, natural confidence, the coolest, wittiest things, perfectly timed coming out of your mouth, they’ve never heard, quickly gather intel about their pain/pleasure points, trigger a deep raw feeling of attraction in them for you, your offering and a connection, read their social cues of interest in you, your offering like they want to pursue it, and then effortlessly and assertively compel them to “act on” their interest in you, your offering and go for a coffee right then and there or agree to sign up and become a client, or go on a date with you? 95% people can’t, based on my observations in social and business settings.

Imagine the kind of power and choice you would have in your life if you could do that?
the effect on your social status?
The mad respect you would get from others? It would be the kind a UFC fighter gets over anyone else in a venue of even million dollar level business owners because he does something that takes special gonads, heart, IQ to do

If you’re a real estate agent, imagine the dominance you could exert in your space by closing all of the deals in it, instead of begging for a few more pennies each month like many do.

This is something that would greatly benefit, mainly men from my experience but could also benefit women if you need to hunt/gather and put yourself out there to attract others to you, or your idea(s).

Making money or millions also takes skills but if you ask me, money can buy other money as in mergers, takeovers, you can buy an existing business and reap the benefits of it. Wow! How many people do you know with money that still are used, abused, divorced, betrayed, cheated? That’s not real wealth in my world. That’s nominal wealth.

I’d much rather prefer being someone, having skills or a prowess that MONEY just can’t buy that represents real wealth or status.

The currency of real status for me is the ability to turn anyone who is in the market for me, my offering, and qualified based on my expectations, into a relationship of any kind, on my terms and that too, from a “COLD” approach. That is the greatest feeling of power, status and success one can have, if you ask me.

Do you want to have this kind of ability, skills, power and choice? Sure you do.

Look, unlike most, I will keep it 100% down to the street level REAL with you and hence sometimes what I say might be shocking or “out of order” but you need to be if you want to stand out as a signal amidst the white noise.

DM me and let’s chat. I’m here to help you maximize your GAME!
