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Maaximum Game

5 Signs that a Person is NOT a good “Emotional or Time” Investment that most miss.

By February 10, 2022 April 21st, 2024 No Comments

5 Signs that a person is NOT a good “emotional or time” investment that most miss.

So I’m going to point them out to you.


1. They have selective hearing.

You ask them a 2-part question, they answer 1. This is most likely because they are suffering from sociopathy or narcissism.

Drop ’em!

You should invest your time/energy in someone who is considerate and respectful towards you.


2. You find yourself holding the majority of the weight of the friendship or a relationship where they are more lax or passive about it.

In other words, they are more reactive, instead of being proactive.

Not a good sign, drop ’em!


3. They have no “mature” or “reasonable” reason as to why they flaked on you except to tell you that they forgot.

Yeah, in other words, they couldn’t be bothered to honor their commitment to you. Indirectly, this is a “very disrespectful” gesture. So you should forget them!

I had a gorgeous Latin woman, flake on me just once, who later said, “I’m sorry, I forgot our Zoom call. Do you want to talk now?”. I dropped ’em!

You need to respect yourself more, than your desire for somebody or something. That’s how others will take you seriously and respect you – like a boss.


4. They have no values, opinions, or standards of their own, hence can’t understand you if you do (have them) and so don’t care about respecting them!

Drop ’em!


5. All they do is travel, shop, eat out and buy things. There is no spiritual depth to these people.

In fact, if you try to have some spiritual depth with them, or show any multi-layered aspects of your character, then it almost insults them. They can’t be bothered with self-awareness or self-development. They just want to have “a good time”. Often these are very shallow, superficial, and selfish people. They will make you want to pull your hair out or feel like you’re undermining your potential just by hanging around them.

So if you’re somebody who has drive and self-respect, run from these people!

Rather associate and invest your time and energy in creators, producers, and value-adders. Those that like to help others, build character, acquire self-knowledge, and have deep goals and quests that require an even deeper character.



My name is Omar, and I teach men how to increase their social and sexual marketplace value, by teaching them NO BS strategies to develop the warrior mindset, the warrior skillset (skills to survive and thrive in any environment like a boss), and the warrior gameset. These are my specific set of rules, to own any social situation and the players in it, to attract and lead them to want to join forces with you.

I have a webinar coming up where I’ll answer your questions and showcase to you my 4-step system to own yourself, your world, and the social space – like a social chess virtuoso!

Also, if you are interested in monthly coaching, then book a 30-min discovery call with me on Zoom.


Your friend,
Omar Khan aka Maax


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