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Maaximum Game

5 Components of Becoming A Social Chess Master

By January 18, 2022 April 21st, 2024 No Comments

1. Emotional Intelligence

You know how to convey high-survival and emotional value using language, non-verbal communication, and micro behaviors (these are “fine”, “very subtle” movements in your voice, face, and body) to make anyone feel a “vibe” with you and want to make an emotional investment in you.


2. Micro-calibration skills

You have the ability to “read” and “feel” exactly where the other person is in terms of mood, emotions, interest at any “instance” of the interaction, and are able to deliver the exact verbal, non-verbal, and behavioral response in “real-time”, at that moment. Ultimately, allowing you to maintain a strong level of attraction and rapport in that person for you, at all times.


3. Knowing how to “trigger” any reaction you want from another person

You know how to use your voice, non-verbal communication, hand movements, certain micro vocal shifts, and language to “force” the other person to give up their cards, become more emotionally invested in you, follow your lead, and be pulled into your FRAME, even if their logical mind is saying no. Remember, attraction has nothing to do with logic. It has everything to do with instinct and feeling. A true social chess master knows this and leverages it.


4. Social Intelligence

You have a deep sense of your surroundings, the context of any interaction you are in, the dynamics of it, the values, preferences, and mindset of any person you are trying to attract, influence, or lead. You know exactly what to say, how to say it, when to say it, to make the other person feel a deep-seated attraction and connection with you, within minutes. Lastly, you know how to get the person to “capitalize” on their interest and attraction for you, and form a relationship with you as a fan, follower, client, or lover, within minutes.


5. Setting and controlling the frame

You come with a dominant concept of yourself, and of your reality, so that you pull everyone into your FRAME, and ultimately lead the interaction, on your terms.



For more tips, strategies like this that you will NOT find anywhere else, follow me on IG @themaaximumlife. I’m Omar and I teach people how to develop HIGH-LEVEL VERBAL, NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION, AND FRAME CONTROL SKILLS so that they can take ownership of their lives and also attract, influence, and lead anyone to their side, within minutes. Including a beautiful romantic partner (if you’re a male).


Listen to someone with “real-world” experience and legendary results that precede him. I’m here to help you, not just make money off of you.

Book your 30-min Zoom discovery call with me today!

Visit here for updates on upcoming webinars.


Get out there and #pushthemaax.

Omar Khan aka Maax


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