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3 Ways to Win at Hardball Negotiation

By January 25, 2022 April 21st, 2024 No Comments

As I’ve stated, you shouldn’t call yourself a man if you don’t know how to sell yourself, negotiate to get what you want, and influence others to want to emotionally, financially, or romantically invest in you. The reason is that it raises your survival value and your ability to procure resources for survival and replication. That’s an auto boost to your sexual-marketplace value over someone who can’t.

It’s not just about being masculine and confident, but also being “socially intelligent”.

Anyways, here are 3 ways you can win at the battle of hardball negotiations.


1. When stating what price you want someone to pay you for X or Y, always overstate it.

Never understate it. This is based on the assumption that the other person will try to undermine you to think they have one over you. What they don’t realize is that by even lowering your initial offer, you’re still getting more than what you bargained for. This puts you in the driver’s seat. This is why you always overstate the price.


2. Be willing to walk away if you feel someone is trying to undermine you or your value.

Oftentimes, if someone really needs/wants what you have, then by showing a willingness to walk away, you will instill a feeling of insecurity and a sense of loss in the other party. This is because they want/need what you have. This will also shift the power dynamics in your favor and make you the one calling the shots. The other party will have no choice but to oblige you.

I did this once, to get the salary I wanted from one of the biggest banks in Canada. That’s right, I walked away from a senior VP, wealth advisor after the interview. He chased me downstairs and begged me not to go. He ended up paying me what I wanted.


3. Don’t talk too much. Listen.

By talking too much you will telegraph desperation and neediness. This will lower your value in the eyes of others and is a sure-fire way to allow them to lowball you. By keeping your composure, being calculated, and also exhibiting indifference, you will sub communicate that you don’t care if the deal goes through or not. This will cause the other party to lose their footing, feel nervous and insecure that you don’t care. This is especially true if you have demonstrated that you have something they need or want. That’s key. You can then take advantage of them and tell them to pay you whatever you want so that they can re-establish their emotional equilibrium again.


Listen to someone with “real-world” experience and legendary results that precede him. I’m here to help you, not just make money off of you.

Book your 30-min Zoom discovery call with me today!

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Get out there and #pushthemaax.

Omar Khan aka Maax


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